The construction work is being done in the Central Business District (CBD) Redevelopment area, and the Springwood Ave. Redevelopment area.
Located in this warehouse looking building on Second Ave, between Main St. and the railroad tracks....(aka nowhere) is this little unassuming place called The Asbury Park Roastery. It's here in this warehouse/store room/retail gift shop/coffee house that you will experience something very, very special. Something that will suprise even the most jaded amongst you - those very similar to myself.
Prior to stumbling on this little Guatamalian gold mine - I'd never given coffee a second thought. In fact, I usually bought mine in a dehydrated brick, as it was usually the cheapest. Flavor never really entered into it. I think I was going more for a cup of hot, brown, cream and sugar!
But God has a plan for us all! And his plan was to introduce me to this beautiful woman, named Ali, and her world of Fair Trade and Organic coffee and tea.
Without getting all mushy - I don't even know what to say, except I have never experienced anything like it. The coffee is organic, it comes from 1 of 13 different countries (a different country each day), and it's roasted/ground/and brewed within a matter of hours. Unlike the chains which will hold ground coffee for months!
And she offers FREE HOME DELIVERY! You get set up to buy 1 pound of coffee or more, and every other Friday, she will DELIVER it TO YOUR DOORSTEP!
It's incredible! Just do yourself a favor and go down there. You'll be glad you did!
At 5:00, from Convention Hall, on Saturday, October 30th, the 3rd Annual NJ Zombie Walk will take place in Asbury Park. Thousands of Zombies from all over the Eastern seaboard will descend on our quaint little community, dressed in the scariest, bloodiest and most bizarre attaire you've EVER seen. All to bleed on our new sidewalks, scare our tourists, freak out our homowners, wreak a little havoc and instill some fright into us harmless mortals.
While it may sound, a bit weird......you really can't believe 1) the number of people who really get into this thing, and 2) the EXTENT at which these folks go! It's really pretty cool. I mean they take it VERY seriously and they have a BLAST doing it. Blood, guts, brains, and gore - everywhere.
And just beneath the scary surface - the entire thing is actually kind of a fund-raiser and a benefit. It's actually - believe it or not......a blood drive! Yeah, there will be certified blood suckers there, collecting the blood of any of those willing and able to give!
What makes this event even more exciting is that The New Jersey Zombie Walk has received the go ahead from the Guinness Book of World Records to make an official attempt to go for the worlds largest gathering of zombies EVER! Currently that prestigious record is held by, none other than, Seattle, WA. They only pulled together 4,200. And apparently the New Jersey Zombies feel they can do better than their deadbeat Starbuck counterparts - so they are going to give it a shot! And they'd love you to help 'em out!
So put your gore on - and come on down! Be a part of this EXTREMELY UNUSUAL event.
October 30th!
For the full schedule go to: http://njzombiewalk.com/ Current Events Page. But here's a short run-down.
Place: CONVENTION HALL, Asbury Park, NJ
Date: October 30th, 2010
11:00 - 4:00 Check in/Registration, Make up, Demonstrations, Blood Drive, etc.
2:00 All Zombies MUST be checked in to be part of the Guinnes Book of World
Records count!
5:00 Zombie March begins from Convention Hall to Cookman Ave!
7:00 Zombie Fashion Show, music, dance, partying, etc. Downtown Asbury Park
9:00 - ??? Halloween Partys ALL over Zombie Centeral....aka - Asbury Park, NJ
It's like the song says...."I'm a winner! I'm a leader. I can be anything I want to be"! It is indeed nothing short of a miracle that so many kids show up at this rag-tag place with very little left of their self esteem, and they leave believeing that they are winners - and that they CAN do anything!
There's been a lot of money poured into a lot of programs here in Asbury Park in an attempt to help out our disadvantaged and underprivlidged youth - but perhaps the one individual and program that has made the greates impact is this little unassuming woman they call "Miss Kerri" and her "Bike Church".
Located on the corner of Main and Springwood Ave. she takes in broken down, beaten up, abused, thrown out, has been - bikes, and with a little help, love, belief and 'rebuilding - turns them into something wonderful for the kids who have nothing.
Yeah, she takes what we throw away, fixes 'em up, and them gives them to the kids who don't have one. And when you watch this video - you see the magic that happens!
She also does AMAZING bike repairs at AMAZING prices. So whether you need a tune up or brakes fixed or whatever - before you go to one of those fancy bike shops with guys and dolls in those overly tight lycra bike shorts - go see Miss Kerri. She'll do ya right AND you'll be helping out an AMAZING organization. The Bike Church!
So not only is this yet ONE MORE reason to come to Asbury Park, but if you're already here - it's yet another reason to go volunteer, help out, and/or donate to this spectacular organization.
Oh, and tell her Asbury Park Mark sent ya!
Seems hard to believe that the summer of 2010 is gone! But what a great summer it was, and I can't think of a better place to have spent it than, the Asbury Park Beach!
Sand, surf, GREAT boardwalk food, kick ass entertainment, fireworks on the beach EVERY Wednesday night, an amazing dog beach and OH SO MUCH MORE!
And I was blessed to have experienced it every single day!
Check out my video and I hope you enjoy it!
What I DO know is that there seems to be tremendous number of cops - not necessarily patroling the boardwalk - or watching busy the crosswalks, but instead, hudled around the "blue devils" assisting extremely confused and aggitated beach goers and out of town guests as they try to operate these ultimately complicated pieces of technology.
What should ultimately be a very easy process, all to frequently AIN'T! Actually, after a couple hourse of playing with these oversized gadgets - I've come to the opininon that they really aren't as hard to operate as much as it is 1) there are no clear directions telling you what to do and when, and 2) the damn things generally don't work i.e. they have trouble taking your dollar bills and heaven forbid you should try to use a credit or debit card. Again - what SHOULD be an easy process - just AIN'T!
Back in the good ol' days when I had the North Beach listing, and I sat office hours each and every weekend, every once in a while, this benovelent streak would overcome me. With nothing else to do, I'd ocassionally get up, go outside and help a distressed vacationer and somewhere deep inside - I felt good about myself. As I no longer have the pleasure of sitting those office hours - I sometimes feel lost. So......I decided to make a YouTube video.
The day AFTER it went up, I got a call from the City, with wonderful plans of putting it on the website. But, a month later - nothing. So....for those lucky enough to find this obscure blog and or vid - I hope you find it helpful! I passed it on the the SANDBLAST organizers, but......THAT's a totally different post. ANYWAY - have fun. Smile. Accepte the fact we're all not perfect and send it on!