Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why - If nothing changes, nothing changes!

"If nothing changes, nothing changes". I think it was Albert Einstein who originally said it, and man was he ever right!

Several months ago I raised some concerns about the Asbury Park Marketing Fund/Road Trip/Sand Blast circuit party/combo. After which, the APMF Board of Directors held a closed board meeting. So I continued a community discussion, with some very concerned business owners, home owners, community members and leaders, elected officials, and city leaders. All who were suprisingly, extremely concerned about this years Road Trip/Sand Blast event. While the overwhelming attitude seemed to be “I’m not getting involved with that group again”, “I got so damned burned/hurt last time”, etc. etc., the bottom line was, we offered some very sound suggestions.

They included:

1) APMF should take back and reclaim the name and original vision/intention of Road Trip. Don’t license the name out for a few bucks and put a good organization at risk. Take the name back, and return Road Trip to it’s original vision!

2) Make Sand Blast a separate event. Let Sand Blast event producers assume any and all liability – and profit.

3) Produce Gay Pride in June
Road Trip in July
Sand Blast in August

In a subsequent article, I made several other suggestions to the APMF board which included:

1) Establish, and communicate a simple, clear and exciting mission and vision. One so clear and exciting that we will all want to offer our expertise and volunteer to help you out!

2) Understand board members are not “uber volunteers”. They simply build the framework and vision that creates the space for volunteers to join and make that vision happen.

3) Protect the organizations assets and provide proper financial oversights. If you have nothing to hide – show us!

4) Ensure your organizations legal and ethical integrity. As such, separate yourself from Sand Blast organizers as quickly as possible!

5) Get rid of old, ineffective and/or incompetent board members. Dead wood does no one any good.

6) View community feedback as an opportunity. Not as complaining or bitching.

7) Enhance the organization’s public trust, respect and overall standing. As a non-profit, you ultimately answer to the community – not the other way around.

8) Diversify your board. The board currently consists of seven white men. Only two of whom live in Asbury Park full time, and none own a business in our community. Make the board look like the community you represent. You'll get amazing results!

For the complete article go to: http://asburparkmark.blogspot.com/2010/07/something-for-all-of-asburys-non-profit.html#links

After this years event, I met with several APMF board members, had several phone calls with board members before and after their closed board meeting and was confidently reassured that:

1) there would be some organizational changes
2) the board would be meeting with the “producer” of Road Trip, and APMF would then communicate the results of that conversation
3) there would be an public disclosure of all financials, any audits, and all recommended and completed organizational changes.

Sadly, it sounds as though, Sand Blast is continuing under the Road Trip name and with the APMF blessing. There have been no organizational changes, and in fact, no real board meetings. APMF has plans of producing even more events, with no clear vision or volunteer base.....all in the hopes that things will get better. Unfortunately, if you continue to do the same thing over and over, and expect to get different results - YOU'RE CRAZY! Start at the beginning guys.

When I spoke up the first time, I was criticized for not getting involved, joining the board and “helping out”. An elementary, but nonetheless somewhat good point. So I spoke with the board president and several board members about that very thing. I was asked to join the board. I looked closely at the organization and realized the complete, abliet, well intentioned disarray it was in. What made my decision an easy one was the fact that they had no D&O (Directors and Officers) insurance. Without D&O, board members could be personally financially liable for any decisions of the board and or event producers/promoters. I am simply am not willing to take that risk. I had no choice but to say “Thank you, but no thank you”! I have to effect change in another way.

What did amaze, touch and even bring me to tears was the overwhelming number of unsolicited text messages, emails and phone calls I received from business owners, community leaders, Road Trip volunteers, Road Trip event producers, previous Road Trip volunteers, elected officials – my God all types of people - secretly thanking and encouraging me to continue to speak out. People who – for some reason – seemed very afraid of something or someone, and for that reason would not voice their opinion publicly.

It need not be that way. They, like myself clearly see the need for an event/weekend such as the original Road Trip, and understand that Sand Blast meets a need but that organizationally might best be met if produced separately from the Asbury Park Marketing Fund.

It’s real simple people – and it can happen. Start with a vision we can all believe in and get behind. "Build It And They Will Come"!

Thanks and have a blessed day.

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